Employee Wellness Blog Article

 How to Boost Employee Health and Wellbeing? The work environment is stressful with meeting deadlines and pressure from the executives, where  incessant stress can take a toll on the employee’s mind and body. Being conscious of the prevalent condition of the workforce, allocating an employee health and wellness plan is one of the most  

important things you can do for the wellbeing of the company and its employees. Stress and strain  in the workplace if left untouched, could have damaging repercussions for the employees and the  business. 

Company thrives on the health and wellbeing of the employees, so it is the company’s responsibility to maintain a healthy vibe in the workplace. By offering health and wellbeing  initiatives, it is advantageous to the company to prevent employee sickness, fatigue, burn out. These practices enhance the company’s culture to be more positive.

Ways to build up employee’s health and wellbeing. 

1.Encourage physical fitness: 

Fitness challenges are the best way to raise and unlock the spirits of the employees, it helps boost  the employee’s physical and mental health by pushing them for a friendly competition. Building  an office gym or offering discounted gym memberships to motivate and encourage employees to  include regular exercises into their personal lifestyles. 

2. Employee Surveys are the real deal: 

To effectively make the employees give their best collectively, getting their suggestion can save a  lot of time and thinking. 

While building employee wellbeing programs, wellbeing surveys can make a huge difference in  customizing our plan and strategies to make the program fun and engaging for the team. They are  structured in a way that it adds long term value for the company.

3.Work-Place motivation and comfort. 

Comfortable and welcoming work environment is vital part for accelerating employee’s  participation at work, also helps in keeping the employee’s mind calm and relaxed. It is inclusive  of temperature, light, layout and furniture affect the employee. 

As per Leesman employee experience survey, 73.9% of employees find natural light important.  Study shows that exposure to natural light has an impact on employee’s quality of life, daytime  function and sleep. 

4.Organize a Mental Health Awareness Month and Counseling. 

Spread awareness about mental health and its effects by dedicating an entire month for the  employees to plan and organize a team activity that encourages team members to recalibrate, relax  and destress. 

The employees put in tremendous amount of input in their work, so taking time off and focusing  on their mental wellbeing is of prime importance without talking about work for a while can make  a considerable difference.

5.Include Flexible Work schedules. 

Our lives are multi-layered, out of which work is an important aspect, but there are other things that give meaning and purpose to our lives such as faith, family, community and hobbies.  Workplace wellbeing is not just about physical health but also of a sound mind. It is implied that  all these things happening in our life need time and energy but work often comes in between and employee’s wellbeing is often compromised. It is very important to maintain a proper work life  balance, flexible work schedules that benefits everyone. 

From the company’s view, it is a sign that you trust your employee with time and this sort of  relationship between the company and the employee motivates and boosts employee performance,  making the employee to deliver and meet deadlines responsibly. 

6.Fight the ill Effects of Sedentary Lifestyles. 

Did you know that sitting is the new form of smoking? 

Very true. Sedentariness poses a great threat to employees in firms all around the world. 

Need proof? As per the New York Times, “It doesn’t matter if you go running every morning, or  you’re a regular at the gym. If you spend most of the rest of the day sitting — in cars, office chairs,  or on your sofa at home — you are putting yourself at increased risk of obesity, diabetes, heart  disease, a variety of cancers and an early death.” 

The best way to reduce the negative impact of sitting is by standing. Sitting is one of the most  passive things you can do. By standing during you work, your body balances and burns energy as  your legs, core and back muscles tense to balance.

Healthy employees improve business. 

Employee’s health is of paramount importance as company stands on  employee’s performance. 

Carefully curating a health and wellbeing program can improve employee’s energy and  productivity and loyalty. But there is no specific or a particular set of rules to approach, it is all  about carefully conducting surveys from the employees and organizing wellbeing programs for  an effective output. An effective and impactful wellness program should engage and motivate the  employees for the better. 

Any initiatives taken for the betterment of the health and wellbeing of the employees is the best  decision one can make in their business.
